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Cathy Golden with Donald Faison from Picasso at the Lapin Agile. Photo by Douglas Gates.
Photo Credits

Cathy Golden with Donald Faison from Picasso at the Lapin Agile. Photo by Douglas Gates.

“The brilliant work The Old Globe gives to this community has had a direct and profound impact on my life for decades. It gives me great joy to know that my estate gift will help sustain their vision of making theatre matter for generations to come even when I’m no longer ‘in the house.’ I cannot think of a better living legacy! I encourage you to join me and include the theatre in your estate plan. You will take great pleasure in knowing that your gift will also last forever.”

Cathy Golden with Donald Faison from Picasso at the Lapin Agile. Photo by Douglas Gates.

The Old Globe is deeply grateful to the many patrons who have made plans to leave a legacy to the theatre they cherish. These gifts ensure that The Old Globe will continue to flourish in the years ahead. Thank you.

Craig Noel Legacy Society Members

Bobbie Ball
Sandra D. Barstow
Jan Bart
Barbara Beaumont
Nancine Belfiore
Alan Benaroya
Barbara Bolt
Richard J. Bonacci
Nancy Brock
Robert and Pamela Brooks
Richard and Eileen Brown
George and Karen Bullette
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Canada
Stanley Nadel and Cecilia Carrick
Harry and Sandra Carter
Pamela and Jerry Cesak
Jean Cheng
Doris and Wayne Christopher
Garet and Wendy Clark
Joseph Cohen and Martha Farish
R. Patrick and Sharon Connell
Richard and Stephanie Coutts
Jane Cowgill
Gigi Cramer
Patricia W. Crigler, Ph.D., CAPT, USN (Ret.)
Carlos and Patricia Cuellar
Ronald D. Culbertson
Elaine and Dave* Darwin
Ann Davies, In Memory of John Davies
Darlene Gould Davies*
Dr. Cynthia and Mr. Martin Davis
Caroline S. DeMar
Douglas Druley and Judee Sedler
Bernard J. Eggertsen* and Florence Nemkov*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Epsten*
Robert and Stacey Foxworth
Hal and Pam Fuson
Alan Gary and Joanee Udelf
Arthur Getis*
Nancy Reed Gibson*
Norman and Patricia Gillespie
Robert Gleason and Marc Matys
Cathryn Golden
Marcy Goldstone
Jim and Linda Good
Cherie Halladay Tirschwell
Bernard* and June Harland
Ellie Lynch and Patrick Harrison
David and Debbie Hawkins
Liz and Gary Helming
In memory of Mack Lewis
Char and Mike* Hersh
Jill Denison Holmes
Bruce* and Jane Hopkins
The Estate of John Howell
Jeff and Thao Hughes
Craig and Mary Hunter
Sonia and Andy* Israel
Janis N. Jones
David K. Jordan
Robert Kilian and Kathleen M. Slayton*
Marilyn Rogers Kneeland*
Bill and Linda Kolb
Regina Kurtz, in loving memory of Al Isenberg
James and Janice LaGrone
Jean* and David Laing
Peter and Michelle Landin
Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Ruth W. Leonardi
Jerry Lester Foundation
Pamela Hamilton Lester in memory of Jim Lester
Richard L. Matta
Heather Manion
Cynthia McIntyre
Thomas and Randi McKenzie
Dr. Margaret McKerrow
Judith Menzel
Chris and Jill Metcalf
Paul I. and Margaret W. Meyer
Paul Miller and Julie Greb
Chuck and Angela Mol
Laurie D. Munday
Michael G. Murphy
Harvey* and Marsha Netzer
Ronald J. Newell
Jacqueline and Jerome* Niederman
Greg and Polly Noel
Carol Novick*
Rich and June Nygaard
Gale and James Petrie
Gail Lee Powell
Paula and Brian Powers
Sarah B. Marsh-Rebelo and John Rebelo
Louis and Nancy Regas
Jeannie and Arthur Rivkin*
Tom and Mary Roberts
Nancy J. Robertson
Esther Rodriguez
Dr. Julie A. Prazich and Dr. Sara Rosenthal
Joan Salb*
Beverly and Warren* Sanborn
Robert and Lisa Shaw
Bruce Sherman
Darlene Marcos Shiley
Dr. Dee E. Silver, M.D.
B. Sy* and Ruth Ann Silver
Stephen M. Silverman
Dolores and Rodney Smith
Marisa SorBello and Peter Czipott
Nancy A. Spector and Alan R. Spector
Kathleen A. and Thomas E. Stark
Ann E. Steck*
Jeanette Stevens
Diane Stocker
Peter Stovin and Marilyn Johns*
Miriam Summ*
Eric Leighton Swenson
Linda Tallian
Anne C. Taubman
Randy Tidmore
Evelyn Mack Truitt*
Suzanne Poet Turner and Michael T. Turner
Ginny Unanue
Jordine Von Wantoch*
Lian von Wantoch
Pamela J. Wagner
Peggy Ann Wallace
Holly J.B. Ward
Sarah Woodruff Watkins
Joy and Stephen Weiss
Judith Wenker
Lynne Dunaho Wheeler
Sheryl and Harvey P. White
Mr.* and Mrs. H.D. Wolpert
Chester Yamaga and Jean Samuels
Carolyn Yorston-Wellcome*
Anonymous (19)

This list is current as of February 15, 2024.

Recent Generous Bequests

Diana Barliant
Philip H. and Ruth W. Dickinson Family Fund
The Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. (Bea) Epsten
The Estate of David Finkelstein
The Estate of Richard Ford
The Estate of Audrey S. Geisel
The Estate of Arthur Getis
The Estate of Betsy Hamblin
The Kathryn Hattox Charitable Trust
The Estate of Virginia Higgins - Hawkins
The Estate of Alexa Hirsch
The Estate of Madelon McGowan
The Estate of Carol Novick
The Estate of Marilyn Rogers Kneeland
The Estate of Warren Sanborn
The Estate of Ann Steck
The Estate of Mickey Stern
The Estate of Elizabeth Walker
The Estate of Jordine Von Wantoch
The Estate of Jeffrey E. White
The Estate of Carolyn Yorston
Anonymous (1)

*In memoriam